from £25.00

Emily Dole AKA Mount Fiji, 1958-2018

This is Mt. Fiji she was born in American Samoa and started out as an athlete competing in shot put. She later trained to wrestle and joined the cast of GLOW ( gorgeous ladies of wrestling) a TV show in the USA 1985.

Like most pro wrestling it was largely scripted and staged but pro wrestlers are actually skilled athletes, performers and highly trained in order to be able to throw themselves around, avoid injury and remain in character.

Emily Dole was a fighter in and out of the ring a real strong woman, her family was subjected to racist violence by police while residing in LA. 36 members of her family where brutally beaten by the police during a bridal shower for her sister. Emily Dole fought for justice and after 9 years won, suing the Sherifs department for a substantial amount. Not enough really considering non of the officers involved lost there jobs.

This ones for the strong women past, present and future.

RHONDA ANACONDA is a Liverpool based artist and printmaker.

This is part latest series celebrations famous female wrestlers who’ve all died tragically.


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